If you don't know the Principles of Lean you are losing money and customers, PERIOD!

STOP running your small business without understanding the principles that literally changed how all business is done!
Register to hear from a lean management expert who was handpicked by Akio Toyoda and trained by 1st generation lean experts in Japan.

Michael E. Parker is an award winning entrepreneur, business consultant, and success coach that has consulted
Fortune 100 companies to improve their operations, save money, and dramatically improve quality.
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Handpicked to Succeed

I never forget the day an executive at Toyota informed me that Akio Toyoda wanted me to be a part of a special operations task force and go to Japan in a matter of days.

This was early in my career and I had never been out of the country before.

Little did I know that this trip would single handedly change my life and career forever!


From Career to Consultant

With a Business Management degree with an emphasis in Operations I was in my dream job!  There was no better place to learn and witness operational excellence at the highest level.  Everywhere I turned there was the highest level of wisdom and experience about how to run a business that improves itself from the inside out.  

Out of all I had learned in business school there was nothing more transformative than what I got exposed to at Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan.  Over the next years I would travel around North America and Canada implementing lean solutions and learning some of the greatest secrets the business world had ever seen.
Still to this day I cannot believe I walked away from Toyota.  Especially since I was on the fast track and working with the most prominent executives and leaders in Toyota.
No one would think that I would leave and at such a special time in my career.

Nevertheless, there was something deep down inside that was calling me to be an Entrepreneur.  Sure enough I took the big leap and started off taking my lean expertise into many, many industries.  Excitedly, I started consulting businesses in lean principles for the next 20 years.  

In that same time I started 20 companies of my own and developed priceless experiences that has allowed me to solve some of the most complex problems in business.

From Small Business to Big Business
Lean Management is Essential

I remember the 1st time I got a $500,000 contract with a BIG COMPANY.   I was shocked to find out that at the end of the day certain problems are common to all businesses no matter the size.  It is amazing how powerful it is to understand the difference between true value and waste.  Once you develop an eye that can see the proper distinctions between value and waste, a whole new world of opportunity opens up that is powerful.

I have had the privilege of helping some of the biggest companies in the world see these epiphanies to create dynamic change. 

Did you know that almost 95% of all activities happening in most businesses is WASTE?

If you went to the Doctor and told them that you were sick what would they ask you?  

Most likely the Doctor would ask "what are your symptoms?"  Why is it that the Doctor would ask this question?  

The answer is simple, a Doctor can only determine the right medicine and treatment to give someone AFTER they know exactly what is wrong with the person SPECIFICALLY.
Similarly, we fail to truly improve our businesses because we do not properly understand the symptoms of a wasteful business.  

We just know that it is sick.  

This is not about wasting money or time, IT'S DEEPER THAN THAT.
Right now we find ourselves in one of the toughest economic situations we have ever seen in the history of the world.  As a result, we have to focus on the management approach that grew out of the stress and economic strain that hit Toyota after World War II.

Did you know that you can be implementing all of the traditional things we learn about business and literally setting yourself up to fail?  Right now we cannot afford to waste any time or money and this is why understanding more about lean management is mandatory.

Join us at our next webinar and strengthen your competitive advantage at a time that we all need it most.

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